Dolly Mixtures

Through the centuries children have loved to play with dolls. For the most part, it’s the dressing up aspect of doll care that has been a favourite pastime: whether it …

Photograph of Queen Anne Style silver cup and cover

George Hibbitt Ploughing Cup

This beautiful Queen Anne style Britannia silver cup with cover was made by Robert Timbrell and Joseph Bell in London 1709. So why do we have it here in Rutland …

Figure 2 LEIC-7A61E8

Roman Brooches

My second blog post for the festival of archaeology is focusing on the Roman period which spans AD 43 – 410. In Rutland, 648 Roman objects have been recorded, the …


My name is Megan Gard and I am the new Finds Liaison Officer for Leicestershire and Rutland. Having only taken up the post a few weeks before lockdown began, I …

Burley Buckle

This beautiful Anglo-Saxon gold buckle is a fitting new addition to the collections in our 50th anniversary year. It is only one of four examples of a triangular plated buckle …